Does HCG Diet In Las Vegas Burn Fat In A Consistent Manner?

When it comes to medically designed and supervised weight-loss programs, nothing is better than an HCG Diet in Las Vegas. The prescription and common HCG program is one of the many exciting plans that provide a plethora of benefits. The programs include problematic and stubborn visceral fat loss at an expedited tempo. Additionally, the fusion of VLCD (very low calorie diet) and prescription HCG helps in resetting the hypothalamus in your body, which is the brain-controlled area of satiation and hunger. The balance leads to a great scope of long-term weight loss goals and success.

The program at a glance

The medically supervised HCG Diet in Las Vegas integrates prescription HCG along with bi-weekly or weekly visit by licensed medical practitioners. They guide you through the plan. There are dedicated weight loss centers in the city, offering two programs, which are based on the volume of weight you want to lose. If you need to shed fewer than twenty pounds, the short program will suit you. The ratio is 21 days of maintenance with 23 days of HCG. For those looking to shed more than twenty pounds, you will have to go for the Long program. The 21 maintenance days and 40 HCG days will be ideal for you.

Know the phases

The renowned clinics break down the program into five specific stages and design each to optimize your success in Las Vegas Weight Loss. Phase 1 is called detoxification of the intestines and bowels. They design the phase to last for 15 days. It restricts the type of food you will eat. The physicians also recommend supplements and medicines for detox. If you find it difficult to lose weight, it might be due to the toxins in your bloodstream. If your body has more fat, it will retain the toxins.

Phase 2 of loading

On the first two days, you have to take prescription HCG along with vitamins. The aim is load proper calories and revive and revamp your metabolism. Normally, this sort of Las Vegas Weight Loss diet continues for two days, containing high calories and high fat. It’s time to enjoy the loading stage. Stage 3 is VLCD. For the next 21 to 38 days, in compliance with the program you follow, you have to follow a regimented and specific VLCD. In addition to this, you will also take the vitamins and HCG meals. During this period, it’s very important to comply strictly with your diet and maximize your fitness success.

Last two phases

4th phase is the transition stage. It’s a 3-day process, wherein you continue the same VLCD diet, sans any prescription HCG. The time will allow your body to prepare for the best maintenance span for the program. The last phase is post diet, which is the most critical stage of the program. It’s a 21 day period. You start factoring different food items back into the fold in one week intervals. Don’t return to the old habits as you’ll regain weight. Stay committed to a plan. For more information visit here: TrimBody M.D.